[TRANS] 200525 IZ*ONE Late Night Monday Fairy Update with Hyewon
“Hi everyone, it’s Hyewon
Since today is Monday, I’ll be doing an ASMR to celebrate it
Ah, let me introduce my friend Public address loudspeaker
Chaeyeon: It’s Chaeyeon who was caught by Hyewon
Hyewon: Uh, I’m going to drink some water. It’s refreshing. Take a sip and do ASMR please
Hyewon: It’s refreshing, right?
Chaeyeon: Yes heuheu
Also, now guess what this ASMR is!
Are you awake now?!
I prepared a loud noise in case you were tired because it’s Monday!
Everyone, cheer up
ps. Late night Monday Fairy mistaking it as morning”
Translated by: @minjoozone of IZSUBS
월요병_극복 #월요요정 #혜원
月曜病_克服 #月曜妖精 #へウォン
IZONE #아이즈원 #アイズワン #アンユジン